科目名 |
カレントイングリッシュ |
クラス |
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授業の概要 |
Each class will be divided into two parts: (1) Quizzes about the side reader, 10-20 pages of which the students are to read every week. (2) They are expected to answer a lot of questions about the material passages in the classroom, (3) and to submit papers based on hand-outs occasionally. |
授業の到達目標 |
This course aims to develop your reading ability through different styles of English. (1) To review the basic points of English syntax and discourse grammar to achieve a high level of proficiency in reading English. (2) To learn how to make the best use of your dictionaries, especially English-English dictionaries. (3) To approach other reference books, when your dictionaries give you only insufficient information. (4) To learn a way of rapid reading by reading side-readers. |
授業計画 |
1 ORIENTATION 2 《colloquialism & fiction》Margaret Laurence "To Set Our House in Order" (1) 3 "To Set Our House in Order" (2) 4 "To Set Our House in Order" (3) 5 "To Set Our House in Order" (4) 6 "To Set Our House in Order" (5) 7 "To Set Our House in Order" (6) 8 "Luncheon" (1) 9 "Luncheon" (2) 10 "Luncheon" (3) 11 《Journalism English 》"Lead" and "Headlines"/ some drill 12 "Names and Titles" and "U.S. Place Names" and "World Place Names"/ some drill 13 "Business News" and Chapter 11 "Newspaper Jargon"/ some drill 14 Skimming and Scanning 15 Drill |
テキスト・参考書及び自学自習についての情報 |
必ず、『ロングマン現代英英辞典 4訂増補版 <上製版>』桐原書店 (CD-ROM2枚付 ISBN 978-4342785733が望ましい)を備えること。教科書としてはプリントを用いる。 副読本:Philippa Pearce, Tom's Midnight Garden (paperback) Harpercollins Childrens Books ISBN 0064404455 ▲副読本は各自、インターネット書店などで注文すること。 |
授業の形式 |
講義と演習 |
評価の方法(評価の配点比率と評価の要点) |
The students are evaluated through the following means. (1) The semester-end examination: 40%; (2) quizzes about the side readers given at the beginning of each class: 40%; (3) other homework: 20%. |
本授業に関する情報 |
Anybody who couldn't spare a lot of time and energy doing assignment should give up the idea of joining this class. Perhaps this is the toughest course of English you have ever taken in your life. |
その他 |
リーディングIIBと同一クラスで授業を行ないます。 |