科目名 英語科教育特別演習III 
クラス − 
授業の概要 This is a class in graduate level academic writing. 
授業の到達目標 Students will develop the skills necessary to write an academic thesis about topics in Second Language Education.
授業計画 1. A Framework for Design
2. Review of the Literature
3. Writing Strategies
4. The Introduction
5. The Purpose Statement
6. Research Questions aqnd Hypotheses
7. Definitions, Limitations, and Significance
8. Quantitative Methods
9. Qualitative Procedures 
テキスト・参考書及び自学自習についての情報 Creswell, J. (2004). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Method Approaches.  
評価の方法(評価の配点比率と評価の要点) Participation/Preparation 100% 