科目名 英語コミュニケーションB 
クラス n 
授業の概要 Students will be able to study global issues in English and discuss in that language. This is a skill which is increasingly required in all countries where English is spoken.  
授業の到達目標 To make students able to interact well with English speakers in a way that prevents misunderstandings based on cultural differences.  
授業計画 The text to be used for readings is quite basic and serves as a springboard to other topics and activities in English.
1Machu Picchu - travel and historical sites  
2Amazon.com - online order business  
3Garbage - problem of disposal  
4Internet Chatroom - the language of the internet  
5The Human genome - the blueprint for our bodies 
6Writing - writing history  
7Different Tastes - tastes in music  
8The Busy Business Woman - people working and over-working  
9Internet Forum - giving opinions over the internet  
10Clones - cloning and limitations on cloning  
11Rainforests - importance of rainforests  
12"Netiquette" - manners and using the net  
13Starbucks - the success of Starbucks  
14Farming - the history of farming  
15"Brick and Click" Companies - traditional stores turn to the internet  
テキスト・参考書及び自学自習についての情報 Prism Gateway Book 2 - A.Bennett - MACMILLAN LANGUAGEHOUSE  
授業の形式 Writing on topics, discussing and occasionally presenting.  
評価の方法(評価の配点比率と評価の要点) Evaluation: Approx. 40% based on attendance, 30% on class activity, 30% on a final examination. 
本授業に関する情報 Keeping organized written notes, bringing subject materials to class always.  