科目名 コミュニカティブイングリッシュIIA 
クラス − 
授業の概要 (1) Students will extensively practice and learn presentation skills
(2) Students will practice pronunciation intensively in class and with a computer-based software program. 
授業の到達目標 (1) Develop academic presenting and discussion skills
(2) Improve English pronunciation. 
授業計画 Each class will have 3 main strands:
(1) Learning about and giving presentations.
(2) In-class pronunciation activities
(3) Computer-assisted pronunciation practice
1Outlining; Using a dictionary 
2Elements of the Introduction 
3Descriptive Details 
4Brainstorming and Clustering 
5Transitions and Connectors 
6Audience Analysis 
7Selecting Details 
8Explaining Causes & Reasons 
9Using Examples 
10Patterns of Organization 
11Evaluating Evidence 
12Creating Visual Aids 
13Using Quotations 
14Elements of the Conclusion 
15Preparing for Questions 
テキスト・参考書 (1) Dynamic Presentations, Michael Hood. Pearson Longman / Kirihara Shoten
(2) ATR CALL pronunciation practice system. 
授業の形式 実習 
評価の方法(評価の配点比率と評価の要点) 20% Text Analysis and Summary Presentation
20% Oral Responses and Quizzes
30% CALL Pronunciation Software
30% Final Test 
その他 特記事項なし