科目名 コミュニカティブイングリッシュIIB 
クラス − 
授業の概要 Students will discuss and write about relevant topics and issues of concern. Students will also read extensively for fluency. 
授業の到達目標 (1) Listen intensively to passages about important life issues.
(2) Develop listening fluency.
(2) Understand and implement interpersonal communication techniques. 
1What kind of person do you respect? 
2Are you ready for your first job interview? 
3Do you exercise? 
4Are you afraid of the future? 
5What will happen to the global economy? 
6Have you ever been guilty of telling a white lie? 
7Can you eat sushi? 
8Hobby, habit, or addiction? 
9Can money buy happiness? 
10Is it positive or negative peer pressure? 
11Do you vote? 
12Are you a difficult or an easy person to get along with? 
13Can you live without your cellphone 
14What is the most effective way to study? 
15Is one gender superior to the other? 
テキスト・参考書 Reflections (2011). Michael Shulman, Noriko Iwamoto, Hiroyo Yoshida, Nanundo. 
授業の形式 実習  
評価の方法(評価の配点比率と評価の要点) 30% Homework Dicatation
30% Pop Quizzes
40% Midterm and Final 
その他 特記事項なし