科目名 英語科教育特論III 
クラス − 
授業の概要 This class will focus on vocabulary research that will help students to teach English more effectively when they become teachers. 
2Examining Vocabulary Teaching Techniques 
3Involvement Load Hypothesis; Depth of Processing 
4Learning Vocabulary from Word Cards: Paired Associate Learning 
5Nonsense Words; Pilot Testing 
6Learning Vocabulary Using the Keyword Technique and Word Parts 
7The Effect of Time-on-Task on Vocabulary Learning; Pretests, Post-Tests, and Delayed Post-Tests 
8Guessing Word Meaning from Context Clues 
9The Use of More Than One Test of the Same Words; Multiple Choice Vocabulary Tests 
10Incidental Vocabulary Learning from Reading 
11Sensitive Measures of Vocabulary Knowledge; Intentional and Incidental Vocabulary Learning 
12Vocabulary Learning through Output 
13Internal, External, and Ecological Validity; Controlling for Word Difficulty 
14Measuring Depth of Vocabulary Knowledge 
15Wrap Up 
テキスト・参考書 重要:事前に自分で教科書を購入すること:

Nation and Webb, (2010). Researching and Analyzing Vocabulary. Cengage Learning. (ISBN: 1111071187) 
授業の形式 演習 
評価の方法(評価の配点比率と評価の要点) >Weekly Reports 