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内容 |
1 | ガイダンス |
2 | Unit 1 The Hollywood effect: How does popular entertainment influence society? |
3 | Unit 2 Learning to learn: Why is university education important? |
4 | Unit 3 Competing worldviews: What causes group conflict? |
5 | Unit 4 Population changes: How does immigration change a country? |
6 | Unit 5 A global language: How did the use of English become so widespread? |
7 | Unit 6 Natural wonders: Where is the most beautiful place on Earth? |
8 | Unit 7 Animal rights: Why do we treat different types of animals differently? |
9 | Unit 8 The human impact: How much more environmental damage can Earth handle? |
10 | Unit 9 Renewable energy: When will we finally use only clean energy? |
11 | Unit 10 The final frontier: Will people eventually travel to distant planets? |
12 | Unit 11 Democratic government: What is democracy? |
13 | Unit 12 Aung San Suu Kyi is free: Is Myanmar becoming democratic? |
14 | Unit 13 The last superpower: Is American power declining? |
15 | Unit 14 The evolution of life: Where did human beings come from? |