科目名 国際文化教育研究I 
クラス − 
授業の概要 Students will learn about deep cultural differences between Japanese and western culture (particularly American). 
授業の到達目標 (1) Through weekly readings, students will strengthen their vocabulary and familiarity with modern issues.
(2) In class discussions, students will develop formal speaking skills.
(3) By preparing for discussions, students will develop formal writing skills. 
1Altruism: Helping Neighbors in Need 
2Spirit over Matter: What Are Humanity, Life, and Death 
3World Stewardship: Western Views of Nature 
4Positive Thinking in the Western Mind: Free Access to Wisdom 
5Historicism: Man Struggles on the Stage of History 
6The Sacred Contract: Responsibility in Black and White 
7Egalitarianism: An Opportunity for Everyone 
8Pragmatism: Asking "So What?" and Anti-Intellectualism 
9Rebellion Against Authority: Implications of Individualism 
10Traditional Japanese Lifestyle: A Stable Hierarchy of Rice Culture 
11Traditional Pioneer Lifestyle: Self-Reliance in Geographic Mobility 
12Classical Education and Debate: Wrestling with Ideas 
13Modern Ideals in Education: Memory vs. Access 
14Ideals of Communication: Implication vs. Feedback 
15Causality and Responsibility: Humans as Moral Agents 
テキスト・参考書 >Becker, C. (2011). American and English Ideals. Tokyo: Eihosha.(ISBN: 978-4-269-13008-1)
>Covey, S. (1989). The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. London: Simon & Schuster. (ISBN: 978-4165-0248-4)
>完訳 7つの習慣 人格主義の回復 [単行本],キングベアー出版(ISBN-13: 978-4863940246)  
授業の形式 演習  
評価の方法(評価の配点比率と評価の要点) 30% Interpretation and Response Speeches
30% Pop Quizzes
40% Final Test 
その他 特記事項なし