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内容 |
1 | Introduction |
2 | (AWS) Getting ready to write (CW) Before Breakfast |
3 | (AWS) Writing a paragraph (CW) Wilbur |
4 | (AWS) Writing a coherent paragraph (CW) Escape |
5 | (AWS) Editing a paragraph (CW) Loneliness |
6 | (AWS) From a paragraph to an essay (CW) Summer Days |
7 | (AWS) Writing an essay (CW) Bad News |
8 | (AWS) Editing an essay (CW) A Talk at Home |
9 | (AWS) Paraphrasing and summarising (CW) Wilbur's Boast |
10 | (AWS) Citing the sources of information (CW) The Miracle |
11 | (AWS) Developing and organising a research essay (CW) Off to the Fair |
12 | (AWS) Supporting arguments (CW) The Cool of the Evening |
13 | (AWS) Editing a research essay (CW) The Hour of Triumph |
14 | (AWS) Longer Introductions (CW) Last Day |
15 | (AWS) Longer Conclusions (CW) A Warm Wind |