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内容 |
1 | 授業予定の説明 |
2 | Scanning "Travel and Technology |
3 | Predicting "Selling India's Rainy Season" |
4 | Skimming for the Main Idea "The Color of Fashion" |
5 | Identifying Main and Supporting Ideas "Reality TV: Good or Bad for Fashion?" |
6 | Identifying Meaning from Context "Endangered Species" |
7 | Identifying Main Ideas within Paragraphs "Bring Back the Woolly Mammoth?" |
8 | Identifying Cause and Effect "What Does a Million Dollars Buy?" |
9 | Predicting "Lottery Winners---Rich, but Happy?" |
10 | Using Subheadings to Predict Content "Wedding Customs" |
11 | Recognizing Sequence of Events "Travel Diary: Yanshuei Fireworks Festival" |
12 | Making Inferences "Mystery Tours" |
13 | Identifying Meaning from Context 2 "Is 'Spontaneous Human Combustion' Possible?" |
14 | Making Inferences "Pioneers of Flight" |
15 | Recognizing Facts and Opinions "Is an Only Child a Lonely Child?" |