科目名 英語(TOEIC上級)IVB 
クラス - 
授業の概要 The Test of English for International Communication, or Toeic test, assess English language skills for business. Over 4 million people around the world take this test annually. In an era of globalization, one measure of English proficiency is a high score on the Toeic test, which can be an important factor in the workplace and traveling internationally. 
授業の到達目標 Toeic test is an extensive field, involving many areas of studies, such as business vocabulary, grammar, word forms & choices, listening and reading a large variety of native-level passages. In this semester, we will focus on building listening and reading skills as well as learning different strategies and tactics to improve your Toeic score. 
授業計画 ※複数教員が担当する授業科目は、各教員が担当する回について分かるように明記してください。(この説明文は削除してください。)
1Listening section Lesson 1: Sentences about Photos
Reading section Lesson 5 : Sentence completion  
2Listening section : Lesson 1: Sentences with meaning problems
Reading section Lesson 5 : Word choice and forms 
3Listening section Lesson 1: Sentences with sound problems
Reading section Lesson 5 : Verbs 
4Listening section : Lesson 2 : Stimuli-response
Reading section : Lesson 5 : Prepositions & connecting words 
5Listening section : Lesson 2 : Information questions/ yes or no questions
Reading section : Lesson 5 : Gerunds, infinitives and simple forms 
6Listening section : Lesson 2 : recognizing distractors
Reading section : Lesson 6 : Passage completion 
7Listening section : Lesson 3 : Short conversations
Reading section : Lesson 6 : word choice 
8Listening section : Lesson 3 : Overview & detail questions
Reading section : Lesson 6 : word forms and verbs 
9Listening section : Lesson 3 : Inference questions
Reading section : Lesson 6 : other testing points 
10Listening section : Lesson 3 : other forms of questions
Reading section : Lesson 6 : other testing points 
11Listening section : Lesson 4 : Short talks
Reading section : Lesson 7 : Short readings 
12Listening section : Lessoon 4 : Public annoucements
Reading section : Lesson 7 : Articles & Announcements 
13Listening section : Lesson 4 : News. weather and public service bulletins
Reading section : Lesson 7 : Business correspondence 
14Listening section : Lesson 4 : Commercial messages
Reading section : Lesson 7 : Announcements & Non-prose readings 
15Listening section : Lesson 4 : Business talks and recorded messages
Reading section : Lesson 7 : Paired readings 
Materials to be distributed by instructor 
自学自習についての情報 "Practice makes perfect". The golden rule is always simple: prepare, listen attentively in class, review and do as many practice exercises as you can. Outside the classroom , continue using English as much as you can. Go to the movies in English, watch TV in English, read newspapers and magazines in English, correspond by email with English speakers around the world. The more you use the language, the better your Toeic score will be. 
授業の形式 Handouts, supplementary materials, listening and pronunciation practices, etc.
Short quizzes will be done on a periodic basis, as time permits 
評価の方法(評価の配点比率と評価の要点) homework assignments(10%)
short quizzes(10%)
final exam (75%)
bonus points (5%) 
その他(授業アンケートのコメント含む) 辞書を毎回持参すること。授業での携帯、スマートフォンは使用できない。