回 |
内容 |
1 | ガイダンス Man from the South(登場人物) |
2 | Man from the South(状況) |
3 | Man from the South(人物造形) |
4 | Man from the South(アイロニー) |
5 | Man from the South(異常心理) |
6 | Man from the South(サスペンス) |
7 | Man from the South(結末) |
8 | 中間テスト:まとめ |
9 | The Way Up to Heaven(登場人物・状況) |
10 | The Way Up to Heaven(人物関係) |
11 | The Way Up to Heaven(心理描写) |
12 | The Way Up to Heaven(サスペンス) |
13 | The Way Up to Heaven(ブラックユーモア) |
14 | The Way Up to Heaven(ストーリー展開) |
15 | The Way Up to Heaven(大団円) |