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内容 |
1 | オリエンテーション Psychology in Education(1) Introduction / Positiveist approaches to learning Behaviourism / Cognitive approaches to learning |
2 | Psychology in Education(2) Humanism / Sociocultural perspectives / Ecological and complexity perspectives / Summary |
3 | The Self(1) Introduction / Why is it so important for teachers to understand the self? / Multiple ways of understanding the self |
4 | The Self(2) How does an individual form a sense of self? / Promoting a healthy sense of self in learners |
5 | Affect(1) Introduction What is affect? / Why are emotions so important? / The nature of emotions / Affect in language learning |
6 | Affect(2) Anxiety / Positive emotions / Emotional intelligence / Summary / Suggestions for further reading |
7 | Motivation(1) Introduction / What is motivation? / Key developments in foreign language learning motivation theory(1) |
8 | Motivation(2) Key developments in foreign language learning motivation theory(2) / Motivation as self-realization |
9 | Motivation(3) Motivation in the classroom / Summary / Suggestions for further reading |
10 | Agency and Self-Regulation(1) Introduction / Agency |
11 | Agency and Self-Regulation(2) Learning styles / Self-regulation |
12 | Agency and Self-Regulation(3) Goals / Metacognition / Summary / Suggestions for further reading |
13 | Bringing it Together(1) Introduction / Willi ingness to communicate (WTC) |
14 | Bringing it Together(2) A guide to structuring more holistic thinking about psychology / Principles for practice / |
15 | Bringing it Together(3) Summary / Suggestions for further reading まとめ,課題説明など |