科目名 コミュニカティブイングリッシュI 
クラス − 
授業の概要 The overall aim of this class is to develop students' proficiency in using academic English while practicing their communication skills. There are four key strands for developing language proficiency: meaning-focused input, meaning-focused output, language-focused learning, and fluency development. In this course, reading, listening, writing, and speaking activities will be balanced in an effort to develop students' overall proficiency at using academic English. 
授業の到達目標 1)学習者は、さまざまなトピックについて述べられた英語を、聞くこと、読むことを通して理解することができる。
授業計画 The course will proceed systematically through the topics in the main textbook. Every week, there will be reading homework, listening homework, and vocabulary to study. There will also be frequent quizzes in class. In addition, there will be a deliberate strand focused on academic vocabulary development.
2The Brain: The Fantastic Plastic Brain 
3 Integrated Speaking Task: The Merits of Uni-tasking 
4Lying: Is Honesty the Best Policy? 
5Integrated Speaking Task: Family Secrets 
6Personality: Revolution of the 50% 
7Integrated Speaking Task: Introverts and Extroverts 
8Cross-Cultural Insights: Ancient Wisdom Travels West 
9Integrated Speaking Task: Interview with a Feng Shui Expert 
10Social Media: Together Alone 
11Integrated Speaking Task: Online Identity 
12Learning through the Arts: Your Brain on Art 
13Music Education Changing Lives 
14Integrated Speaking Task: Self-Development and the Arts 
15Wrap up 
テキスト・参考書 テキスト:
『Northstar 5 Listening and Speaking (With MyEnglishLab)』(Pearson) ISBN:978-0-13-428084-4 (Be sure to get the edition with MyEnglishLab. It's probably best to purchase it in 生協。) 
自学自習についての情報 オンライン聞き取りの宿題がたくさんあるので、学生はPCやスマートフォンやオーディオmp3ファイルを聴くための機器が必要。 
授業の形式 演習 
アクティブラーニングに関する情報 毎回、取り上げる話題についてのグループディスカッション、ペアディスカッション、グループワークを通して、学習に取り組む。 
評価の方法(評価の配点比率と評価の要点) 小テスト:40%
その他(授業アンケートへのコメント含む) 特記事項なし 