科目名 英語(アカデミック)中級 
クラス − 
授業の概要 As university students, members should be able to inquire questions and investigate real-world problems in education. Students are actively engaged in the learning process and are given the opportunity to explore their academic curiosities in education. This type of learning allows students to connect what they are learning in the classroom and the real world in education. 
授業の到達目標 Students are required to: 1) ask questions and investigate real-world problems in education, 2) explore their academic curiosities by researching, 3) present according to the academic conventions, and 4) improve critical thinking skills, discussion skills, and creativity. 
1Introduction: What is inquiry-based learning? 
2Self introduction: My academic interests in education 
3Reading activity 1: Perspectives and challenges in inquiry-based learning 
4Reading activity 2: A framework to guide students  
5Reading activity 3: A theoretical approach to inquiry-based learning  
6Reading activity 4: Inquiry-based learning in school-based settings  
7Reading activity 5: Textbook analysis 
8Reading activity 6: Literature review 
9Research 1: The humanities  
10Research 2: The social sciences 
11Research 3: The natural sciences 
12Presentation 1: The humanities 
13Presentation 2: The social sciences  
14Presentation 3: The natural sciences 
テキスト・参考書 Reference Book:
Cooper, R. and Murphy, E. 2021. Project based learning. Times ten publications 
自学自習についての情報 Students should consider academic topics in their everyday educational settings. This will make the study of them in English easier. 
授業の形式 Reading, writing on topics, discussing, and presenting. 
アクティブラーニングに関する情報 Group discussion, presentation 
評価の方法(評価の配点比率と評価の要点) Evaluation: Approx. 60% based on presentation, 40% on class activity.
Those who are absent more than two times will automatically fail. 
その他(授業アンケートへのコメント含む) Keeping organized written notes, bringing subject materials to class always. 
担当講師についての情報(実務経験) An experienced teacher of the past leads the class.