科目名 英語(会話)中級 
クラス − 
授業の概要 Welcome to English Communication、Intermediate level! In this course, you will have many opportunities to learn, practice and improve your English. Our class combines topics, functions and grammar and students will learn the basic 4 skills, with a special emphasis on listening and speaking. Students can enjoy doing a wide range of activities : pair work, dialogue practice, group discussions and language games. 
授業の到達目標 Our main objective is to develop students’ communicative skills, base on various authentic situations. Lesson contents will focus on more challenging topics, incorporating intermediate level grammar and vocabulary. Students are encouraged to TAKE INITIATIVE and speak MORE ACTIVELY in class. Be original, feel free to express yourself and don’t be afraid to make mistakes!! Practice makes perfect! Always give your best shot!! 
授業計画 Orientation : explain course outline
Self- introduction and getting to know your classmates
Useful classroom expressions
1Orientation : explain course outline
Self- introduction and getting to know your classmates
Useful classroom expressions
2Unit 1 : That’s my kind of friend
Who is your best friend, what is he/she like?
Describe personalities, express likes and dislikes
Listening tasks, pair work speaking activities and group discussions
3Warm up speaking session
Unit 1 (continue) + Supplementary tasks
what kind of people do you like or dislike? why?
Reading and discussion

4warm up game
unit 1 (continue)
Unit 2 : Working 9 to 5 (talk about careers)
what kind of jobs are you interested, besides teaching? why?
discussions and presentations
Dialogue practice and listening tasks 
5Warm up speaking session
Unit 2 (continue) (talk about pros and cons of different jobs)
which job would you prefer? discuss your resons in detail
Pair work and discussions
what are the 10 most popular jobs for Japanese youngsters now?

6Warm up Language game
unit 2 (continue)
Unit 3 : Lend a hand (Pragmatics : how to ask a favor in a polite way)
Practice how to make requests, accept / decline requests
Listening and pair work speaking practice
7Warm up speaking session
Unit 3 (continue) : language game for making requests
Presentation of your original mini-drama
8Warm up speaking session
Unit 4 : what happened? (talk about past events)
Talk about recent news, memorable events
do some research and make a short presentation
Listening and dialogue practice
9Warm up language game
Unit 4 (continue) (narrating an interesting / terrible story, describe events in the past)
talk about your own personal experience
Group discussions and presentations
Practice using new vocabulary in pair work practice
10Warm up speaking session
Unit 4 (continue). Reading : discuss about fake news on Internet
Unit 5 : expanding your horizons (cultural differences and culture shock)
Talk about your own experiences, have you traveled abroad before?
Discussions and speaking practice
11Warm up speaking session
Which country is your favorite, why? Discuss travelling and tourism
Unit 5 (continue)
Listening and speaking practice
Pairwork and group discussions
12Warm up language game
Unit 5 (continue) + Supplementary tasks
Reading and discussion
Mini drama (culture shock)
13Warm up speaking session
Unit 7 : what can we do? (talk about environment)
Dialogue practice and listening tasks
Pair work and discussions
What are your major concerns about the environment?
14Research and Short presentations on global issues of your interest
Unit 7 (continue)
Discuss about SDGs
Listening and pair work speaking practice
15warm up speaking practice
unit 7 (continue)
final exam review 
テキスト・参考書 Interchange book 3 (5th edition),(please double check-- ISBN: 9781316620519),


In order to make tangible progress, students are strongly advised to review and practice after the class. Be goal-oriented : improve on English fluency, communicative competency and originality. This is NOT a grammar class, so taking initiative to SPEAK up ACTIVELY in class is essential. Above all, let’s enjoy speaking in English!
授業の形式 lots of speaking and listening,
Pair work, role play, group discussion 
アクティブラーニングに関する情報 Discussions, Pair work, Group activities, language games 

Students’ performance in each class will be evaluated, base on :
1) Efforts, active participation and learning attitude
2) Speaking competency, fluency and communicative skills
3) Thoughtfulness and originality
Grade allocation : participation (20%), final speaking exam (70%), bonus (10%)
その他(授業アンケートへのコメント含む) 特記事項無し 