科目名 英語コミュニケーションB 
クラス i 
授業の概要 This course will provide students with a lot of opportunities to learn practical conversational English through a wide range of task activities : pair work, dialogue practice, discussions, group presentation and games. 
授業の到達目標 The aim is to develop students' communicative skills in various authentic situations when traveling abroad. Lesson will focus on practical English communication as well as vocabulary learning that is useful in TOEIC tests. Students are encouraged to think independently and express their own original ideas actively in class. 
授業計画 Below you can see our weekly lesson schedule. There may be some changes as we get into our semester and see our progress.
Course outline
Pairwork practice : talk about your summer vacation in detail
Ch1 : Where are you heading? (1)
2Ch1 : Where are you heading? (2)
Short presentation
Listening task and role play practice 
3Ch1 : Where are you heading?
Pairwork practice and textbook exercise
Speaking quiz 
4Ch2 : Immigration and customs (1)
Short presentation
Listening task 
5Ch2 : Immigration and customs (2)
Role paly practice
textbook exercise 
6Ch 3 : Where to? (1)
Short presentation
Listening task 
7Speaking quiz
Ch3 : Where to ?(2)
Role play practice 
8Language game
Textbook exercise
Speaking quiz
Ch4 : Hotel check in (1)
9Ch 4 : Hotel check in (2)
Short presentation
Listening task
Role play practice 
10Ch4 : Hotel check in (3)
textbook exercise
Speaking quiz 
11Ch5 : What do you suggest? (1)
Short presentation
Pairwork : give sightseeing advice about your hometown 
12Ch5 : What do you suggest ? (2)
Listening task
Role play practice 
13Ch5 : What do you suggest ? (3)
Textbook exercise
Speaking quiz 
14Use Powerpoint to make a group presentation : major sightseeing spots in America / Europe 
15Use Powerpoint to make a group presentation : major sightseeing spots in America / Europe 
テキスト・参考書 Travel Encounters, by Michael Critchley, Nan'un do 
自学自習についての情報 Students are strongly advise to review and practice each of the key language points after the class. The materials cover in each class will be kept small and compact so the students can focus their energy on improving fluency and originality. Also since this is NOT A GRAMMAR CLASS, students should always practice ALOUD and REPETITIVELY so they could INTERNALIZE the necessary English speaking skills in order to function well when interacting with foreign people. 
授業の形式 Pair work, role play, group discussions, etc. 
アクティブラーニングに関する情報 クラスでのグループワークやディスカッション、ディベートなどを通して、学生自身が「聴く」「話す」「読む」「書く」「議論する」などの活動に能動的に参加する授業にします。 
評価の方法(評価の配点比率と評価の要点) "Practice makes perfect" . Students' level of motivation and speaking skills will be evaluated EVERY CLASS base on
1) Active participation & learning attitude 2) Communicative skills and fluency
Grade allocation : 10% Forum activity ; 10% Class participation; 20% Speaking quiz ; Final exam 60% 
その他(授業アンケートへのコメント含む) None 