科目名 コミュニカティブイングリッシュIIB 
クラス − 
授業の概要 This course is designed to enhance students' academic English proficiency while honing their communication skills. The curriculum focuses on four essential components of language development: engaging with meaningful input, producing meaningful output, focusing on language forms, and building fluency. To support well-rounded language growth, the course integrates a balanced mix of reading, listening, writing, and speaking activities, enabling students to strengthen their ability to use academic English effectively. 
授業の到達目標 1) Learners will be able to understand English on a variety of topics through listening and reading.
2) Learners will be able to present, discuss, and write about a variety of topics.
3) By understanding English through listening, reading, writing, and speaking, students will enhance their vocabulary, grammar knowledge, and their ability to use them fluently. 
21. The Business of Tourism 
31. How Airbnb Designs for Trust 
42. Technology and Society 
52. What Happens when you Reply to Spam Mail 
63. How Athletes Develop Speed and Power 
73. Are athletes really getting faster, better, and stronger? 
84. Cultural Transformation 
94. Building a Park in the Sky 
105. It’s not Rocket Science 
116. Adapt to Survive 
127. Outside the Box 
138. Common Ground 
149. Lend a Helping Hand 
1510. Life-changing 
テキスト・参考書 テキスト:
Dellar, H., Walkley, A. (2018). Perspectives. National Geographic Learning. ISBN: 979-8-214-33461-5 
自学自習についての情報 There is a lot of online listening homework, so students will need a PC, smartphone, or other devices to listen to audio MP3 files. 
授業の形式 演習 
アクティブラーニングに関する情報 Each session, students will engage in learning through group discussions, pair discussions, and group work on the topics covered. 
評価の方法(評価の配点比率と評価の要点) 70% 平常点 (課題提出、小テスト、授業への積極的な参加態度等)
30% 定期試験  
その他(授業アンケートへのコメント含む) 特記事項なし 